Healthy Freelancing Environment

This Is How You Create a Healthy Freelancing Environment

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As the importance of work-life balance continues, there’s a rise in the job demand that could sustain one’s life and balance their life scale.

In this case, freelance jobs—one where you’re working on a per-project basis, are the perfect answer to the matter. Freelancing allows people the ability to define their own balance and freely build their lives around the said idea.

Despite its perks, living as a freelancer also comes with its own challenges. From not having a designated office space to taking care of everything on your own, it can be a recipe for a disaster when it is not done right. When this happens, not just your physical health but your mental health can be badly affected as well.

But worry not! Here we’ll be sharing some freelancing know-how to make sure your experience will be a fruitful one instead. So, let’s check them out!

Know your ‘why’

Before you even start looking for a freelance job, it is essential that you identify your intention. This is because that one reason would be the thing to hold on to when the road is bumpy or even downright chaotic. A tip is to display your goal somewhere you can see easily, such as a dream board or the wallpaper of your business laptop, to remind and motivate you daily.

Know your limit

Source: – @n-voitkevich

As you go through more and more freelancing jobs, you might feel the need to take every chance you can get. However, while your intentions are good, it could also lead you to neglect your personal needs, such as less sleeping time, irregular eating habits, and little to no downtime. And if you continue with that lifestyle, you will find yourself more prone to experience burnout.

To avoid the said situation, you have to stand up for yourself and respect your own limitations (because no one else will). Be realistic with your daily expectations, and instead organize your schedule better. This way, you will still be able to achieve your ideal goals without sacrificing your health or yourself in the process.

Know your rights

It is critical that you include a contract with every job you take. This is because you need a legal agreement to protect yourself from not getting paid, not getting the agreed amount due to delays, or even getting your work stolen by the people who hire you. Furthermore, for a smooth and enjoyable working experience, make sure to conclude any terms and fees negotiations before you start working.

Know your body’s needs

Source: – @gustavo-fring

Before we get into anything, understand this: you deserve as much dedication from yourself as the one you put into your job. So, on top of acknowledging your limit, it is important that you listen to what your body needs. Sleep when you need to, eat when it is time to, and take breaks between work.

Moreover, to make sure that your body is in the best shape, incorporate at least a 30-minute exercise into your daily routine. Remember also to drink at least 2 liters of water daily. Another tip is downloading a water-intake log on your Android phone to make sure you meet the minimum requirements each time.

Know how you are doing

Tracking your performance at work is important as it can give you insights into your professional growth and pointers on what you can further improve. Unfortunately, one of the downsides of working alone is that you have to be your own supervisor or manager and evaluate your own performance. This will prove to be a challenge as we tend to be subjective when it comes to anything that concerns ourselves.

One of the things you can do is ask for feedback after finishing a job. Moreover, whether it is a real book or a simple online notepad, try to keep your own professional journal and note down what you personally think about your work. This way, you can see your growth over time and even use it as a motivation when you’re feeling stuck in your career.

All in all, a huge chunk of being a successful freelancer is finding your own working rhythm instead of forcing yourself into the traditional 9-5 working structure. If more personal time is why you opt for freelancing in the first place, then accommodate your work around your personal life, not the other way around. Remember to always go back to your initial reasons and ensure each one is well-intended.

Furthermore, don’t forget that you represent your whole professional embodiment when you work on a project, so always do your best and be on your best behavior. Stay safe and good luck!

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